Datum: 03.04.2021
Slotzeit: 19:30 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Karte: Chernarus 2020
Repo: Hier über Vanilla Launcher
TS: PW: squawk
Gameserver IP:
PW: rosomak
May 2020
International tension led to a conflict in Europe between EU countries and Russia.
Western forces performed against russian offensive and brought russian back into Belarussian land.
Eastern enemy would not give up on fighting and would try its best to reclaim the lost terrain.
Tactical Situation
May 2020
German and polish mechanised and motorised units are located in the north.
There are two villages south that will be an aim for russian attack. The villages were taken by polish infantry units. The units were given not enough reinforcement for further defense. That is why german and polish forces appeared in the region in order to support the defenders.
Our combined forces have a task to support friendly villages against 2 attacks of 2 russian mechanised infantry platoons.
1.Support I
Come and aid the first village against the attack of the 1st enemy’s mechanised infantry platoon
2.Support II - Szkola
Move to the 2nd village, retake the school and defend the village against the attack of the 2nd enemy’s mechanised infantry platoon.
Enemy Forces
Enemy has Two platoons of BTR mechanized infantry containing 4 BTR vehicles in each platoon.
There are about 50 infantryman and ~8 person squad in the taken szkola building
Our Forces
HQ - polish operation command section (M-ATV)
Alpha - polish mechanized infantry squad (Rosomak M1)
Bravo - polish mechanized infantry squad (Rosomak M1)
Charlie - german mechanized infantry squad (IFV-Puma)
Delta - german mechanized infantry squad (IFV-Puma)
HQ[NATO Task Force]
Cpt Platoon Commander: Rotti
Delta [NATO Task Force]
Sgt. | Squad Leader | G36A3 (AG40-2) [ENG] -Wounded
Pvt. | Combat Life Saver | G36A3 -Snatch
Cpl. | Autorifleman | MG-4 - Hussi
Pvt. | Autorifleman Asist. | G36A3 -Styria
Pvt. | Rifleman AT | G36A3 + Panzerfaust 3 -Red
Pvt. | Rifleman AT | G36A3 + Panzerfaust 3 -Lefter
IFV Puma
Cpl. | Commander | MP7 -
Pvt. | Gunner | MP7 - EWD
Pvt. | Driver | MP7 - Nitro
Schriflicher Befehl zur Mission
-Mission can be considered completed after taking the school building and defending the second village
-Area is populated by civilians
For Server logged admin:
- Admin logged person has access to Zeus in order to prevent any technical issues
*Advanced medical system
*Wound may open simultaneously
*Personal Aid Kit can be used only by Medic
*Sewing kit does not run out
*Only medic can sew and transfer fluids
*You can only dig the smallest trench