23.10.2020 | [ACC] Operation Golden Jump

  • X3iS7iM.png

    Datum: 23.10.2020

    Slotzeit: 19:30 Uhr

    Führungsbesprechung: 21.10.20 (Uhrzeit folgt)

    Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

    Karte: Lythium

    Repo: Hier über Vanilla Launcher

    TS: PW: squawk

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    May, 2020

    In the Republic of Mali the terrorist activity of Boko Haram increased drastically.

    Government forces are being attacked. Many policemen die. Country descends into chaos.

    The International Contingent of Defence in Mali is created. Many EU countries such as Poland and Germany are a part of the coalition.

    Polish and German Contingents are given control of one of the most dangerous provinces occupied by Boko Haram.

    Coalition forces managed to build a FOB in the area. Terrorists expect us to operate slowly by cautious and methodical gain of terrain. Nothing could be further from the truth! Our HQ focuses on dynamic action and taking out the enemy by surprise.

    Polish and German paratroopers are on their way to perform a landing operation.

    Taktische Situation

    20th May, 2020

    Republic of Mali

    We are slowly reaching the landing zone.

    We will be jumping from 550m using static parachutes.


    0. Regroup

    Regroup after reaching the landing zone

    1. Ammo cache

    Detonate the ammo cache that belongs to Boko Haram. It is located in the village complex marked as the red cross.

    2. Police Station

    The group of insurgents attacked the local police station. Insurgents took some policemen hostage.

    Take back the police station, release the hostages, call for EVAC and both with the hostages get inside the trucks ending the task by reaching the FOB GOLDEN

    2.1 Evacuation

    EVAC trucks after reaching the EVAC zone are going to stay there for 2 minutes.

    You can call for EVAC using the police station radio. (using scroll)

    The trucks are going to be supported by polish armored carriers Rosomak and german patrol vehicles Eagle IV.


    About 60 Boko Haram insurgents. Enemy is equipped with post soviet weapons. Insurgents may have one or two technical vehicles.

    Our Forces


    Equipment and Logistics


    Eigene Lage

    Airborne Forces consisting of one polish and one german squad.



    - Everyone has 343 radio.

    - Squad leaders and operation commander have both 343 and 148 radios.


    - Each person has averagely 10 mags, 1x frag grenade, 1x smoke grenade, cable tie, map tools, 2 bandages of every type, morphine, tourniquet, earplugs, GPS, entrenching tool, altimeter


    -Machinegunner and his assistant have 1000 rounds altogether

    -Team leader has satchel charge and detonator

    -Combat Life Saver has extended amount of standard medicaments



    -Para jumping is going to be performed automatically

    -Try to hit ground as lightly as possible to prevent any fractures

    -After reaching ground go -> ACE -> Equipment -> Put backpack on back

    -Mission can be considered completed after reaching FOB GOLDEN

    -Area is populated by civilians

    For Server logged admin:

    - Admin logged person has access to Zeus in order to prevent any technical issues


    *Advanced medical system

    *Wound may open simultaneously

    *Personal Aid Kit can be used only by Medic

    *Sewing kit does not run out

    *Only medic can sew and transfer fluids


    Squad III [NATO Task Force]

    Sgt. | Squad Leader | G36A3 (AG-40-A2) [ENG] - Rotti

    Pvt. | Marksman | G28-E2 - Woundeds

    Pvt. | Machinegunner | MG-4 - Snatch

    Cpl. | Machinegunner Asist. | G36A3 - Niclas

    Cpl. | Team Leader | G36A3 + M183 Charge [ENG] - Lefter

    Pvt. | Rifleman AT | G36A3 + Panzerfaust 3 - Nitro

    Pvt. | Grenadier | G36A3 (AG-40-A2) - James Patte

    Pvt. | Combat Life Saver | G36A3 - EWD

    [ENG] = sehr gutes Englisch in Wort und Schrift, Kenntnis militärischer Begrifflichkeiten auf Englisch.

    The most beautiful girl, That I did ever see,
    I dreamt one day I would get inside her,
    I finally got my way,I ride her every day,
    She's the only one for me
    And she's a Viper!

    Singin' aye, aye, aye, we'll fight until we die,

    Private Joker ist ein Spinner und ein Ignorant, aber er hat Schneid und das reicht uns

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Rotti (9. Oktober 2020 um 19:21)

  • Rotti 9. Oktober 2020 um 16:34

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Sam Sung 9. Oktober 2020 um 16:38

    Hat das Label EVENT (Extern) hinzugefügt.
  • Sam Sung 9. Oktober 2020 um 16:38

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „JO Golden Jump [23.10.2020]“ zu „23.10.2020 | [ACC] Operation Golden Jump“ geändert.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    #Rifleman AT


    <p class="text-center"><span style="color:#D3D3D3; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;"> Peccatum Peccatum Regina In Peccatum -<br> Debilitas Fragilitas Transtuli Sanguis Venenus -<br> Saeptus Persisto Et Fortis -<br> Est Interior Impartitus Divi -<br> Conversus Sat Futurum<br> <br> Malum Peccatum Regina In Peccatum -<br> Debilitas Fragilitas Necans Prius Fati Nostrum -<br> Etiam Persisto Et Fortis -<br> Ut Interior Impartitus Divi -<br> Ut Convertatis Tu Futurum<br> </span></p>

  • Wechsel auf SQL

    The most beautiful girl, That I did ever see,
    I dreamt one day I would get inside her,
    I finally got my way,I ride her every day,
    She's the only one for me
    And she's a Viper!

    Singin' aye, aye, aye, we'll fight until we die,

    Private Joker ist ein Spinner und ein Ignorant, aber er hat Schneid und das reicht uns

  • PUSH. Teamlead gesucht!

    The most beautiful girl, That I did ever see,
    I dreamt one day I would get inside her,
    I finally got my way,I ride her every day,
    She's the only one for me
    And she's a Viper!

    Singin' aye, aye, aye, we'll fight until we die,

    Private Joker ist ein Spinner und ein Ignorant, aber er hat Schneid und das reicht uns